…and a lot of other stuff, too!
After finding faded yarn in my yarn bins a couple of weeks ago, I knew I would have to do something about it: I found some pink and purple bins at Target, choosing the color because even though the pink is nauseatingly girly, there’d be no mistaking whose they are or what’s in them. I’d…
Greetings, yarny people! I have been knitting a lot lately. Finishing Carolyn’s Shawl was good for my knitting mojo, and I have been busy since. I have started and restarted it, but I think I am on a roll now: Mine will be dark purple, dark lime green and dark blue. For some reason I…
Wonder why I’m sitting here watching Dr. Who when there are no nerds in my immediate vicinity. Off to listen to my audiobook instead. It’s a better knitting companion for me!
Over the past few days, I’ve had to add my blog posts manually to Facebook. I’ve re-synched my feed, so hopefully things will be working now. I have no idea what the problem was, but let’s hope things go smoothly from now on!
Look what I did today! I was able to salvage some of the faded bright pink yarn, and I mixed it with some rainbow yarn to come up with this little cloth. I can’t believe I finished it in one day. More to come!
Don’t store your yarn near a sunny window in a translucent container: Yah, I’m an idiot. Don’t be me.