…and a lot of other stuff, too!
I just received the book, The Knitter’s Palette: A Workbook of Color and Texture Techniques and Effects by Kate Haxell. It is quite a comprehensive book for its size, covering everything from color theory, to stitch patterns, to special techniques such as slip stitches, beading, cables, and intarsia. I love knitting reference books. They are…
It seems that I am a bit of a grumpy-wumpus today. I am exhausted, and everything from the tips of my spiked hair to the ends of my toes seems to hurt. Maybe it’s this nasty rain we’re having, or this crazy weather where it’s winter one day and summer the next. My joints are…
I have a childhood friend whose birthday is today. As childhood relationships often do, this one faded as we moved through adulthood. There never was a falling out, but it just sort of went away. This person was the Maid of Honor at my wedding. I can’t look at my wedding album without seeing photos…
His birthday is not until tomorrow, but we celebrated today. Happy Birthday to Mommy’s favorite boy!
Ok, I promise this isn’t going to be only a Crazy Cat Lady blog. I’ll get back to my knitting… Soon.