…and a lot of other stuff, too!
I can’t help posting photos of the kittens regularly. They’re just too dang cute! Thanks for putting up with me!
Somebody please tell me that this sparkly pile of yarn barf is going to grow up to be a real shawl someday… Quick! Before all the fairies die and I become completely disillusioned…
And for today’s entry: catnaps. As demonstrated by the experts.
I just received the book, The Knitter’s Palette: A Workbook of Color and Texture Techniques and Effects by Kate Haxell. It is quite a comprehensive book for its size, covering everything from color theory, to stitch patterns, to special techniques such as slip stitches, beading, cables, and intarsia. I love knitting reference books. They are…
It seems that I am a bit of a grumpy-wumpus today. I am exhausted, and everything from the tips of my spiked hair to the ends of my toes seems to hurt. Maybe it’s this nasty rain we’re having, or this crazy weather where it’s winter one day and summer the next. My joints are…