…and a lot of other stuff, too!
Just have to share the senior portraits of my very lovely daughter:
Wow. So it’s been a few weeks since I’ve blogged. Not much going on really, except that it’s summer, and that means there are kid activities and family events to attend and even a quick weekend away, though I would not exactly call it a vacation. More on that part later. But suffice it to…
Because you needed one: I’m about halfway through the second section of my new Color Affection shawl. I’m making friends with the green now, which I think I knew I would. I always have to second-guess myself about something. But, I think this one will work out fine. This shawl so far seems to be…
I don’t feel like writing a whole lot tonight, but I just wanted to show off my shawl progress: I’ve been knitting like crazy this week and finally was able to start the second color. Now, I’m questioning the wisdom of my color choices. The green, when not in this light, looks a little boogery.…
After finding faded yarn in my yarn bins a couple of weeks ago, I knew I would have to do something about it: I found some pink and purple bins at Target, choosing the color because even though the pink is nauseatingly girly, there’d be no mistaking whose they are or what’s in them. I’d…
Greetings, yarny people! I have been knitting a lot lately. Finishing Carolyn’s Shawl was good for my knitting mojo, and I have been busy since. I have started and restarted it, but I think I am on a roll now: Mine will be dark purple, dark lime green and dark blue. For some reason I…