
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

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    Sunday was Festival Day!

    I feel like I had the best day, EVER. I know I say that nearly every year about the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, but this year, I think I mean it. My good friend Nancy joined us for the fun (she was a newbie!) so I had the fun of showing her around and…

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    Photo Geek Moment

    I’m a little peeved. Ever since Adobe has moved from a per-product pricing system to a subscription-based system for its professional-level products, I’ve pretty much been done with Adobe. I’m pretty mad at them, that their products are now out of my reach. I know Elements is their “consumer” product, and frankly I might have…

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  • What I See…

    I spend a lot of time browsing sites that offer yarn and knitting related stuff. Last week I was looking at stitch markers, mostly, but I couldn’t help myself and I peeked at some yarn. Then I saw these two colors, and they called to me right away: When put together, these two colorways said…

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  • Knit Companion: My New Best Friend

    You know how when something comes along that totally changes how you do things, in a way that’s so extraordinary, you wonder how you ever functioned without it before? I’ve had very few of those moments in my knitting life, but I can name them while counting off on one hand: circular needles, magic loop,…

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    Just Jayne ‘n’ Me

    I don’t really have a lot to say tonight, but my camera’s been put away since Saturday and I had the urge to dig it out. With no people, or animals, nearby for shooting at this hour, it’s just the yarn and me. So here is a progress photo of the Jayne Hat: Exciting, huh?…

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    I’ve Seen the Light!

    I’m going to geek out a little in this post. If you know me, you know I love my camera almost as much as I love knitting and yarn. I’m always striving to take better pictures. I am not a photographer, nor will I ever be, though very rarely my photos do get used in…

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