I’ve been making slow but steady progress on my Color Affection shawl:

I’m concerned that the shawl seems very wide but not too deep so far. I hope that when it’s all done that it’s big and snuggly. I suppose if needed I could make the border section wider. The shawl is intended to be a gift, and I want it to be a big, warm hug to the recipient.
I am very pleased with the yarn. It is Dream in Color Starry, which is the same as Smooshy yarn, I think, except that there is a tiny silver thread running through it. I like that this shawl is going to have a little bling.
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t getting at least a little bit bored. I’m at that stage in the knitting where it feels like I’m doing an awful lot of knitting but not making a lot of progress. And, it doesn’t help that the rows are sooooo wide now. I’m dying to make something else, like a simple hat or a scarf, but I know that if I stop now, this would just land on my huge pile of already abandoned projects. So, I will knit on. I am determined that this project will be finished and delivered. Wish me luck to keep going…
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