I’ve been knitting and knitting and knitting on my practice sock. Here’s today’s photo update:

So, you experienced sock knitters… how is it looking? I think it looks funny. Do all handknit socks go through an “awkward stage” as they grow? I don’t think my sock in progress looks anything like most of the socks I see others knitting… it looks like a mutant sock to me. Am I just being paranoid?
I only have about a week and two days before my Lucy Neatby class. I want to be mostly done with this sock, so I can have at least some techniques fresh in my mind, and bring my odd little sock and ask questions. Hopefully at least I can make it past the heel before then and be well on my way to being done.
Today I received the Knit Kit in the mail.

I spent the evening cooking a pot of chili for a fall chili party at a co-worker’s horse farm tomorrow. The whole house smells yum and the chill in the air makes the chili seem even more welcome than it would normally be. I knit a few more rounds on the sock tonight and plan to take it with me tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll make enough progress on it this weekend that I won’t stress too much about getting it done next week.
Wish me luck… and let me know if you think I’m on the right track so far. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!
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