
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

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The Wheels of Progress…

It seems like forever since I’ve done a “normal” blog post. So, I’m gonna try.

I’ve discovered that one of the hard parts about doing a long-term, never-ending project like the one I’m working on now is that it gets monotonous to talk about and blog about over and over. And then it gets monotonous to work on. So, as much as I love this project, my enthusiasm for it, alas, is waning. I am still, however, determined to get it done.

Here is tonight’s photo update:

Blanket in progress
Blanket in progress

By now I guess I can say that it is a baby blanket, for a special boy who has now been born. It seems at this pace that it will be a while before he receives it, but then I guess that means it’s a good thing that it’s something of a large blanket, because maybe he’ll be a grown man before it is done! I certainly hope not, though, because even though I love this project and will probably produce a pattern on it someday, there are many times I wish to be knitting something else! The cowl bug is biting me, hard, and the shawl bug, and the hat bug. And I still have my February Lady Sweater to finish, that was halted to accommodate this project, and I’d like to try my hand at other sweaters as well.

The other day on my Knit Talk group we were discussing various patterns that different people like to knit over and over. My good friend Joanie mentioned that she loved to knit basic raglan sweaters from an old Leisure Arts booklet that was first released in the 1970s. “The Complete Book of Raglan Sweaters,” contains several variations on a basic design in just about every size. Of course, my curiosity was piqued and so I ordered a copy for myself. It’s a great little book, if you like raglans, of course. In general raglans look just about as awful on me as they do the next fat girl but I kinda like their relaxed, “wear it on Sunday” appeal. So, I think I may try one. Maybe I’ll do one for my son first, since he’s the smallest person here, just to see how it goes. If that goes well then maybe I’ll be on a roll and be brave enough to try other kinds of sweaters. I keep hoping for that magic design that will prove to me how easy making garments that fit can be, so I can get over my fear of them and just start making — and finishing — actual sweaters. Then I’d feel like a real knitter.

Yep, I’ve been knitting for six years now and I feel like a poser. Still. I think that’s why I don’t finish very many things. I don’t feel like an accomplished knitter most of the time, so I don’t allow myself to accomplish many things. Does that make sense? Why, oh why do I hold myself back?

I suppose that’s a discussion to be continued on another day. I think I’m getting too philosophical for this late hour. Bedtime beckons. And, for once, I’m listening. See you soon.

One response to “The Wheels of Progress…”

  1. Andrea Avatar

    How funny you should blog about this Leisure Arts book. Two weeks ago I found an old copy at the local Thrift Store and just had to updat it. My “new” copy arrived yesterday and OTN is a pink tweed cardigan for DGD. It’s a good “old-fashioned” plain cardigan that is a quick knit and will make it through multiple play days. And, you are right, too, about being able to quickly finish something simple. “Poser”…I like that description! LOL!!!

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