
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

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Blog Week Day 5: Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop*

(*with apologies to Landon Pigg)

Like most knitters I know, my knitting goes with me everywhere. Long waits in doctor’s offices or traffic jams (I’m not the driver!) are never a problem for me. I knit in the cafeteria at work, in my den in front of the TV, at PTA meetings, family gatherings, you name it. But I do have a favorite place. Except there’s precious little evidence that I’m ever there, because I’m always the one with the camera.

My favorite place? My local bookstore coffee shop. Twice a month, I get together with my knit-buds, and we laugh, have coffee and dessert, and knit. Well, some of get some knitting done. Others…well, did I mention the laughing? It’s easy to not knit at knit group, too. But whether you’re a knitter, or a not-knitter, it’s always fun!

(Click to embiggen.)

There is another knit group that meets there, on Wednesday nights, in this very spot. But I can’t make it to that group. With school-age kids I am the homework cop and the shower supervisor and the don’t-forget-to-brush-your-teeth drone. Wednesday nights are a no-go for me. So, I thought, why not make a knit group that I can attend. And so I posted on Ravelry, and people came! It worked! At first, it was just once a month. Recently we expanded to twice a month. For two years now, we’ve been getting together. We have knitters of all skill levels, from beginner to–WOW. And it doesn’t matter how new you are or how long you’ve been knitting, everyone is welcome. We’ve even had people cross our path in the coffee shop, run across the road to buy needles and yarn, and come back and sit down and knit, on the spot.

The best part is that many lasting friendships have been formed. I love the knitters in our little group. The smell of the coffee, especially on a snowy knitting afternoon, is a really nice touch, but it’s the friendships and the mutual love of our craft, that makes me so happy to be there.

Knitting might be a fairly solitary activity, but knitting among friends… that’s the best.

7 responses to “Blog Week Day 5: Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop*”

  1. Vivianne Avatar
  2. Kathryn Avatar

    That sounds so nice to be able to knit with friends.

  3. Karie Bookish Avatar

    “Knitting might be a fairly solitary activity, but knitting among friends… that’s the best.”

    I love that sentence 🙂

  4. Katie @ Yarn Love Avatar

    Knitting and coffee and dessert….three of my favorite things. And think of all the knitting exposure your fellow readers are getting. Sounds like a perfect combination!

  5. Rae Avatar

    It’s great to be able to get together with other knitters & have a great time. You can’t go wrong with adding in some yummies either.

  6. AC Avatar

    How fun! Also, “A noble spirt embiggens the smallest man.” (please tell me it was a Simpsons reference!) 🙂

  7. tishka Avatar

    Your knitting group sounds like so much fun. I am happy for you.

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