
…and a lot of other stuff, too!


Blog Week Day 2: Knitterly Inspiration

As easy as it was for me to write yesterday’s post, today’s by comparison, is just that hard.

Why, do you ask? Today’s topic is about a pattern that inspires me. The problem? As a person with ADHD AND a knitter? I see inspiration everywhere. So much so that I am practically overrun with inspiration.

Men In Knits Book Cover
Men In Knits Book Cover
One area of knitting that I really am attracted to is anything with complex cables and other textured stitches. Especially traditional Aran sweaters. I especially love the one on the cover of the book Men in Knits: Sweaters to Knit That He Will Wear. I’d make changes to the pattern… maybe change up the neckline a little, and do it in the round, to avoid seaming. I know it’s a man’s sweater, but I want to make one for ME. I even have some Knit Picks merino wool in a natural colorway, ready and waiting. If only I can get up the nerve to start.

Kauni Yarn
Kauni Yarn
And then there’s the Kauni Rainbow Cardigan (Ravelry Link), by Ruth Sørensen. Oh, the colors–they do inspire me! I bought the yarn for this project in 2007. Had it shipped from The Netherlands, too, because I was that eager to start. But I’d probably have to upsize the pattern a little, and EEK! There are steeks. And so it goes, that the lovely, rainbow-y yarn that is among my favorite ever bought, still lingers in my stash.

And I am inspired by yarn that FEELS wonderful. I am embarrassed to admit that I have quite a bit of cashmere in my stash, which has also gone untouched. Some, I scored at a Webs sale, but most of it was, sadly, full price. And yet, I am afraid of my cashmere which is soft as butter and oh-so-lovely. Afraid, that because I paid so much for it, I will make some kind of knitting mistake that is going to lead to its ruin.

So, I guess what I’m saying is that my inspirations lead me in many directions, and down many paths to get what I need to fulfill my knitting desires, but then my fears hold me back. That is what I want most to be–a fearless knitter. But wait. That’s a story for tomorrow. Stay Tuned…

12 responses to “Blog Week Day 2: Knitterly Inspiration”

  1. henriette Avatar

    Goodmorning Trish.

    How amusing I too has written of a challenge that has Ruths pattern in it :))

    I love the sweater though, and you must of course knit it.

    Have a nice day

  2. Alarid Avatar

    Have you seen the designer Stephcat? She has mostly smaller patterns out – socks, mitts – but the cablework and textured stitches are amazing. I did a designer profile of her on my blog if you are interested 🙂

  3. WorstedKnitt Avatar

    Kauni yarns! Oh I love it too, I’ve made a Revontuli shawl with one ball, yellow and red, , and the other, black to white, is still waiting in my stash.

  4. Mel Avatar

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one that has yarn lurking in their stash that doesn’t get knit for fear of ruining it. Mine is two balls of angora which, whilst not particularly expensive, are so deliciously soft (and delicate) that I know if I make one mistake knitting with them they won’t stand up to being frogged.

    I’m jealous of your Kauni stash too 😀

  5. Pelotenclic Avatar

    Oh my… To change a man’s pattern in order to get a woman’s one… It would be sooo difficult for me that i can’t even imagine beginning a project like that ! 🙂 Anyway, this sweater is really wonderful : very good choice 🙂

  6. Tricia Avatar

    oooh cashmere!

  7. Jen Avatar

    I could just page through the projects of that Kauni Rainbow Cardigan all day…I love seeing not only the original pattern, but all the variations that others have come up with. That’s what inspires me! 🙂

  8. biomaj5 Avatar

    I know what you mean about finding inspiration everywhere! I also have yarn in my stash that was purchased for a specific project, but I got distracted before I could CO.

  9. AC Avatar

    I feel ya on the finding inspiration everywhere thing. And there’s never enough time to do it all….

    If I had a bunch of cashmere yarn, I think I would just gleefully roll around in its softness. No knitting necessary.

  10. Alexandra Avatar

    Ooh the Kauni is gorgeous! I think you should knit with all your beautiful yarns. Think of all the lovely finished projects you’ll have 🙂

  11. Dayna Avatar

    Add me to the list of people who hangs on to “fancy” yarn because I think I’m going to mess it up somehow! Then it ends up staying in my stash for months and months (or years!) I tell my husband that I’m savoring it. haha.

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s post and your goal to be a fearless knitter!

  12. Rae Avatar

    As much as steeking freaks me out I really do want to try it. Granted I don’t have the courage to try it on a large item I would end up doing it on something small in case I goof or something.

    I have really yet to jump into the world of cables I have only knit a scarf but I was so interesting to see them take shape just by moving a few stitches. I hope at some point to get more in-depth with them.

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