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Book Review: Knitting Brioche

I’ve been a fan of Nancy Marchant’s Brioche Stitch Site for a long time. Early in my knitting life I discovered this stitch, and sadly, I have yet to master it. Nancy’s site gives information on this lovely stitch, its variations, and for me, how to fix it when you drop a stitch. This is the part that always gets me–how to re-seat the stitches on the needle if they find their way off the needle unexpectedly. I never could read the stitch well enough to know how to reposition the pesky yarn-overs. I visit the site periodically, hoping to get up my courage to try again.

Well, yesterday I was in the bookstore with my knitting group and guess what I found? Nancy has written a book on Brioche stitch, aptly entitled, Knitting Brioche: The Essential Guide to the Brioche Stitch. It’s like having the website in a book, only there’s more. More variations, more increases and decreases, and patterns. Lots of patterns. I can hardly decide what to knit first.

I don’t think I fully realized how many ways brioche stitch can be used. It can be an interesting way to use color, or to display interesting and creative geometric shapes.

The book contains detailed instructions for brioche stitch basics, a fabulous brioche stitch library that shows the numerous way this stitch can be implemented in its variations, and a pattern section, offering unique designs that range from the simple to the simply stunning. My favorites are the Zandloper Scarf, the Rembrandt Neckpiece, and the Hedera Jacket. (All of the links to the patterns are Ravelry links; you need to be a member of Ravelry to see them. By the way, if you’re a knitter or crocheter, and you’re NOT a member of Ravelry? Go. Sign up today! You’re missing out if you’re not there. Really.)

I paid full list price for this book but I am happy to have it. It is chock full of stitch patterns, techniques, tips, and designs. If you’re interested in exploring the world of brioche, definitely add this book to your library. And prepare to be amazed.

One response to “Book Review: Knitting Brioche”

  1. Thomasean Avatar

    Looking for you on facebook…just started following you on Twitter.
    SassySean on Ravelry!!!This is a beautiful blog!!

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