Other than that, I haven’t found too much new around here that impacts my usage in either a good or bad way. If I find anything exciting enough to report, I will, but this seems a little less like a full version upgrade than I was expecting. There’s probably a lot more on the back end that a mostly casual user such as myself could never understand.
But wouldn’t you know it, I can now upload and manage my photos a lot easier, and I broke my USB hub? So I can’t connect my card reader to the computer until I get a new one. That kinda sucks, but the new one will be here on Monday. So, until then, I will be photoless.
In the meantime, I bought some card-making supplies today. Mod Podge, colorful papers, some cutting tools, etc. I think I need some more stuff, like those little die cutters that make fun shapes and stuff. Last week I bought some confetti, and some card stock that will go through my printer, that has a feathered edge. I really want to pretty up the knitted note cards I’ve been making. I think this could get really addictive.
Pssst… have you heard? Knit Picks is having a yarn sale. Oh yeah, I ordered. Don’t tell anyone, K?
Tomorrow is Worldwide Knit in Public Day. I’ll be at the Bowie Borders with my peeps at 2 p.m. If you’re in the neighborhood, come on by and knit a spell! We’d love to have you.
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