
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

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Nothing to See Here… Move Right Along…Thankyouverymuch.

beginning of sweater yoke
beginning of sweater yoke
I’ve been knitting my first sweater! Yay! Of course I have miles to go on the garter stitch yoke before it even looks like a sweater. But you know what? I’m one of those people who is, in general, not at all bothered by miles and miles of garter stitch. In fact, I find it rather soothing. So, I don’t know how long the yoke is going to take before it looks like anything that resembles a sweater. In the meantime, I’ll try to keep things interesting around here, if you’ll indulge my occasional need to show you yet another picture of the same old thing.

This photo of my full sized February Lady Sweater reminds me very much of this one, from last summer:

sweater yoke in progress
sweater yoke in progress

This one was my February Baby Sweater, which I completed last August. I remember feeling like the yoke took forever. (It did.) I knit it in sock yarn on size 1 needles. It took a whole summer, because each teeny-tiny row was about 183 stitches long. Crazy! But it was so worth it, because in the end, I got this:

sweater, after blocking
sweater, after blocking

That’s Lisa Souza yarn, by the way. If you’ve never bought from Lisa, you should. Now. Go! I’ll wait…

Ahem. So where were we? Oh yes, my current sweater. One thing that I am finding bothersome so far is that the yarn knots up on itself so easy as it comes out of the ball! I’ve already had to cut it once, and I almost did again today! But luckily someone at the knit group at work had a darning needle handy, and just at the point where I was ready to boil over in frustration the knot gave way. Phew!

I’ve made my first buttonhole, too. Cool! Except it looks weird. But that’s ok, it is my first, and as such, I’m keeping it for a souvenir. You can only have a first — anything — once. They’re worth remembering.

I hope to see you again in this space tomorrow! I need to go order another set of darning needles. My last good one disappeared when wrangling a knot. Ugh. Ciao!

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One response to “Nothing to See Here… Move Right Along…Thankyouverymuch.”

  1. Marla Avatar

    Very nice Trish. You do great work. 🙂

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