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Trish–1, Yarn Ball–0

mitered square made with Noro Kureyon yarn
mitered square made with Noro Kureyon yarn
I declare victory! I finally finished my first square of my Noro Mitered Squares Babette (Ravelry link), after two false starts and frogging due to totally inept counting on my part. Sheesh! Now at long last I can move on to the second square. I think I’m probably going to take years to finish this project, because it can be something I just pick up between projects and add a square here or there, or maybe add one each time I come across a new Kureyon colorway that excites me.

You know? There’s something to be said for easy-peasy garter stitch. It seems to be the perfect antidote to stress. It’s calming to be able to knit the same thing over and over, to be able to knit without looking or thinking, or to get into a calming rhythm. I know there are people out there who really don’t love doing garter stitch, because the monotony of it drives them batty. But the thing is that I don’t think I am one of those people.

Check Out This Blog!

Susan B. Anderson's Itty Bitty Blog
Susan B. Anderson’s Itty Bitty Blog
My knit buddy Rhoda sent me a link yesterday for an adorable stash-busting little animal called Elefante, which turned out to be on the blog of Susan B. Anderson, author of one of my favorite books, Itty-Bitty Hats: cute and cuddly caps to knit for babies and toddlers. Why oh why have I not paid attention to this site before? Susan’s books are among my most favorite because the patterns are just a-DORABLE, and this site is like an extension of the books. The photographs are beautiful, and there is a plethora of free and for-sale projects to choose from. I’ve already found several things I’d like to make, including the bunny and chick seen in the screenshot. If you like making cutie pie kid things, definitely check this site out!

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4 responses to “Trish–1, Yarn Ball–0”

  1. Brooklynne Avatar

    The square looks absolutely lovely and I can’t wait to see you finished blanket… if I’m still alive then :-p Although I’m cringing at the cost of all that noro… I might have to spin up some of my own “noro”

  2. knittyknatty Avatar

    I *love* garter stitch as well for just those reasons you mentioned…it’s so easy and soothing and not at all ugly…

  3. Stephanie Avatar

    No matter what project I’m starting, I always have to start it 3 or 4 times. It’s frustrating, but I think its just my process.

    Totally agree about the garter stitch. It’s so nice just to sit and knit knit knit and not even have to worry about a purl. haha

  4. Liz Avatar

    To think some people don’t believe garter stitch doesn’t serve a purpose. The square looks great. I hope the rest of the squares come easily!

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