Yesterday I was without my internet connection for nearly the whole day. Of course my provider said it was something wrong with my modem, and they could be out to fix it in oh, three days or so. Well, that’s not good enough for this house! Not only that, every time they say it’s my modem? It never has been. They just don’t like to admit a system outage so I won’t hold them responsible for it. But of course, when I woke up this morning everything was back to normal and I was in cyberspace again.
The point of this little rant? Well, let me tell you. We’ve had some unseasonable cold here. So a couple of weeks ago when I suggested that we have a second knitting meetup this month due to the long weekend, it sure sounded like a good idea at the time. But then, yesterday morning, when I realized it was a whopping 6 degrees outside, I wasn’t sure who in their right mind was actually going to show up. Boy, was I surprised to find that we had our biggest crowd EVER. I was so excited that I wanted to come right home and blog all about it, but my lack of connectivity made me wait until today. So, here I am to talk all about it!
Here’s the gallery from yesterday!
We had lots of new folks, thanks to some word of mouth. I’m glad that our group loves to spread the word!
Doris said she came because she made a personal commitment to herself to learn to knit this year. By the time I left she was cooking away on a shawl and I look forward to seeing her again soon.
Trish (Other Trish?) is a regular at Borders and frequently shows up in the background of some of our other photos. Yesterday she came to the table with a learn-to-knit kit in hand. Glad she could join us!
Lysette is the organizer of our knitting meetup at work. I was so happy to have found that! And I was really excited that she could join us yesterday.
Marie was working on a baby sweater and modeling another beautiful sweater that she had made. She’s excited to be going to the Oprah show at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts tomorrow.
Melodye was working on a Cobblestone Pullover.
Rhoda was making great progress on her Baby Surprise Jacket.
Molinda brought along the scarf she was working on that she started at the last group meeting. I gave her the instructions for Twin Rib stitch, which I thought would look great with her yarns. It does!
Me? I brought along my daughter’s hat to work on the duplicate stitch lettering. Tammy helped me get started, but I got frustrated quickly and she very generously agreed to help me with the stitching. For my part I will be knitting a practice swatch, with which, who knows, maybe I’ll duplicate stitch myself some sort of sampler.
Others who were there included Dina, Lysette, Yvonne, Ileana and Leslie. I’m really glad that more and more people are coming. It was a wonderful time, and even after three hours I didn’t want to leave.
Tonight I’m headed out to one of the Inaugural Balls. I’ve never done anything like this before but I’m excited! And I hope to have some fun photos to share tomorrow. Not only will I be able to reconnect with members of my own wonderful community of disabled persons, but I’m hoping to “rattle my jewelry” among some of my personal and political heroes and heroines. I hope to have stories to tell tomorrow. Stay tuned!
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