
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

Yarn, Baby!

Knit Picks Palette Yarn Sampler
Knit Picks Palette Yarn Sampler

To add to yesterday’s post about the book on knitted tams, here’s some of the yarn with which I hope to unlock my creativity! I’ve always been tempted by the Knit Picks Palette family of yarns, but have never actually bought any before. I am envisioning lots of pretty tams and mittens with these. I love the purple yarns in this collection, but was surprised to find that I am particularly enamored of the pale pink color.Soooooo pretty!

Tonight is one of those nights where I am just falling asleep while sitting here trying to blog and knit. Gonna knit for a bit more now and then maybe make an early night of it. Ciao for now! *Edited to Add*–it’s 2:00 a.m. and did I make an early night of it? No, I’m just stressed. And colossally stupid. See you in the coffee line in the morning.

3 responses to “Yarn, Baby!”

  1. Donna Avatar

    I have a few balls of pallette that I haven’t used yet either. Post pics of what you make when you are done. I could use the inspiration!

  2. tata Avatar

    Mmmmm, all that yarn looks yummy!

  3. cinders Avatar

    Oh lovely shades there

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