
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

Yarn Barf

More evidence of my complete undoing this week:

Heap of tangled brown sock yarn

Heap of tangled orange sock yarn

There’s no other word for it. Yarn Barf. This is the thing I hate most about knitting. The starting. Perhaps this is why I hate finishing so much? Because finishing something means starting something else. Now, I don’t mind the excitement of a new project. But for me, the excitement only comes AFTER the winding of the yarn and the casting on and the knitting of the first row. After that, it’s all good. But the setup? It kills me, every time.

I’m thanking God that this week is our knitting meetup. One of my knitterly friends has offered to come from afar and help me dig my way out of yarn hell. Thank goodness for good friends, or I don’t know what I’d do.

On a Lighter Note…

Today I found out that Franklin has a new book coming out, featuring the adorable and hilarious Delores. It Itches: A Stash of Knitting Cartoons Looks like it’s due out in October. Honestly, I don’t think I can stand the wait. But still…. thinking about that book sure beats the yarn barf alternative that’s facing me tonight.

2 responses to “Yarn Barf”

  1. Deb Avatar

    Yarn Barf… very accurate! Finally…..a word for all that tangled mess! The first sock yarn that I ever worked with was sock yarn from Knit Picks that I had ordered on-line. It was a hank! Never again!!! It was almost enough to make me not even try to knit socks! What a mess! Never again will I fool w/a hank of yarn unless my LYS winds it for me. Now….I get my sock yarn in a skein or a ball.

  2. cinders Avatar

    Poor you. I hate those kind of messes. Mind you you’ll like this. I dyed 2 skeins up which hubby, whilst hanging them up to dry ,d ropped. theyw erent very well tied by the company I bought them from and do not look disimilar to you yarn barf mess!

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