
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

Is It Worse Than I Thought?

closeup of bottom edge of blanket showing yarn end sticking out

closeup of ripped stitches

Thanks so much to everyone who commiserated with me over the last couple of days about my poor blanket! Most of you suggested that I try grafting the pieces back together. I’ve never done grafting before, but I guess now’s a good time to try. I think!

Arlene from Knit Talk offered to try to fix it for me, which I may be tempted to take her up on! Margo Lynn said she’d offer to help next time she’s in the area. And Catherine even sent me some very detailed instructions that I think will be helpful once I get my brain wrapped completely around them. There were many other words of wisdom, too, and I appreciate every one!

The top photo shows what I originally thought was a ripped end in the initial chocolate brown stripe. Yes, there are stitches pulled out here, but that errant-looking end is actually an end of the yarn that I had previously woven in to the back of the blanket. Fixing the dropped stitches in that first stripe should also not be too hard.

The thing that has me a bit baffled is the grafting itself. This page has a pretty clear picture of what grafting is, along with clear wording, which I think I could do in a quiet place, slowly, step-by-step. The tricky part for me is going to be trying to decide how to recreate stitches that are completely ripped or missing. As you can see in the second photo, it’s not an entirely clean break. I guess I won’t know really if it will work until I try, but the thought of it all is just too scary for now. Margo Lynn is right, though… I need to get the piece on lifelines or stitch holders asap. For now though, I think I need to spend a little more time curled up under a rock and cowering. I will steel myself and give it a try. Just not today. And Arlene? I might just take you up on your offer yet.

In the meantime, thanks to everyone and wish me luck!

One response to “Is It Worse Than I Thought?”

  1. Jessica/TopazGirl Avatar

    Oh my gosh, your gorgeous blanket!!! I’m so sorry, if I can help, please let me know. *hug*

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