
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

Pool Season

brown ripple blanket in process

Believe it or not, today was the first day of the swim club being open. It was too cold to swim unless you were a totally insane person (like my daughter), but we enjoy going there and hanging out, so we went for lunch. Didn’t stay long because my little guy wanted to get in, too, only he’s too young to get in the pool by himself and there was no way my DH was going. But it was great chatting with friends who we only seem to be able to get together with in the summer months. Every summer it’s always amazing to see how much each other’s kids have grown, and it’s fun to catch up on a winter’s full of activities that we always somehow miss hearing about until now.

I’ve actually had a rotten cold that started up on Thursday afternoon. I called in sick Friday and went to the doctor. It’s just a rotten cold, but I mean, ROTTEN. I don’t even have much energy for knitting. But at long last, I have been working on the brown ripple afghan again. I actually switched colors today for the first time in a while, and will probably be able to do that again tomorrow already. I haven’t been knitting at that pace, on ANYTHING, in quite a while. But… there’s been lots of napping in between, too. I guess I’ve needed it.

Since joining the Summer of Socks 2008, I have since learned that our pool manager is expecting her first. This is happy news! She and her sister used to babysit for me when my daughter was a baby. So, it looks like baby socks and hats will be in order! I’ve been looking around the interwebs, and I’ve found quite a few patterns and resources to check out:

Baby Keep Your Socks On — by Amy King

Just Your Basic Baby Sock (PDF) — by P2 designs

Tiny Toe-ups — by Patti Pierce Stone

Chart of Baby Foot Sizes (PDF) — from

Tie One On Baby SocksThe Keyboard Biologist

Baby Jays — by April K

Ribbed Lace Toe-up Baby Sock — by P2 Designs

Baby Life Ring Socks — by Cat Bordhi — by P2 Designs

If I knit a bunch of these then I’ll have the whole sock thing down before I know it. Now, I’m on a quest for ultra soft and washable sock yarns. I know, I know… Socks That Rock comes to mind immediately, but would also love other ideas. Hopefully things that aren’t too expensive, but also high yardage AND washable. Oh, and soft. Very soft. Soft enough for a baby’s, well, you know…

I’m thinking that if I can find balls of yarn with high yardage then there would be enough to make socks for my size 6 feet and have enough left over to do baby socks. Do-able? I’d love some feedback…

Ciao for now, gotta go blow my nose. Yuck.

2 responses to “Pool Season”

  1. AlisonH Avatar

    Meantime, your afghan is beautiful!

    As for sock yarn I love, Lisa Souza’s superwash Sock!Merino is my favorite, and she’s got a version with a bit of nyon in it as well that takes the colors slightly brighter.

  2. […] « Pool Season May 18 2008 […]

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