
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

Oh, My… YYYYYYYYYummmmmmy!

Lookie what I got in my mail today:

Lisa Souza sock yarn in green colorway

After weeks of listening to Lime and Violet go on and on about Lisa Souza and how wonderful her yarns are (Did I know this? Yes I did but I had resisted temptation until now…) I bought SEVEN hanks of her Sock! Merino yarn. Why, you ask? Well, the usual reasons that most people say, I guess… they were ALL so pretty, that I couldn’t narrow it down! Yikes!

This color is called “Emerald City,” and I have it in mind for a stole for a friend. About three years ago, I started a poncho for her, and it is my most embarrassing UFO to date. Hopefully something knitted up in this greeny beauty will make up for my transgression.

two hanks of yarn in purple and raspberry colorway

Then there is this beauty, called “Berry Poppins.” Of course, the purples spoke to me! Maybe it is with this yarn that I will finally break the sock barrier (more like a mental block) and learn to knit toe up on magic loop.

Hank of yarn in lime, white and dark purple

Of course I couldn’t go without a hank in the “Lime and Violet” colorway. It was, after all, their doing that pushed me over the edge. I think it will make a cool, funky scarf to go with my purple leather jacket (the one that matches exactly the Jordana Paige bag!).

yarn in deep purples, greens and rust and such

This one, called “Wild Things” is my favorite one of the bunch. I wouldn’t even know how to describe it, except that it calls to mind a forest at twilight. Moi, in the forest, you ask? Not hardly! But if I were to go in the forest, I do hope that this is what it would look like.

But alas, though I am in love with the new yarn, and now finally, understand why Lisa Souza is a goddess in my knitting community, I still have that rainbow stripey baby blanket going on. Soon, I must be done! The baby is about to be born! And then… ahhhhhhhhh…..

3 responses to “Oh, My… YYYYYYYYYummmmmmy!”

  1. AlisonH Avatar

    Beautiful. And you know that Wild Things came from the Maurice Sendak book? And that his editor googled, found it, and bought it to knit him a scarf? How cool is that!

  2. karin Avatar

    That yarn is so gorgeous.
    As are you, the kids, and your blanket, and the cat!
    Congrats to the little guy on his poem. I like it a lot!!

  3. Elizabeth Avatar

    Yeah for Diana! Another knitter in the world, and such a pretty one at that! She looks great in her scarf. I love your little guys poem, amazing! Those colorways of the Souza yarn….oh my, so pretty. I’ve been listening to L&V go on about it too, just haven’t succumbed to it…yet. Have a great vacation!! Hope the weather isn’t too sticky. Keep that iPod playing!

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